Klondike Kat was a cartoon produced by Total Television and originally aired as part of The Beagles on CBS-TV, and later found in the U.S. syndicated Underdog and Tennessee Tuxedo cartoon series, in between episodes as an animated short.
Klondike Kat (voiced by Mort Marshall) is an anthropomorphic wildcat mountie. Klondike is always in pursuit of Savoir-Faire (voiced by Sandy Becker), a French-Canadian mouse who constantly steals food and is known for his catch phrase, "Savoir-Faire is everywhere!"[1] Savoir-Faire is accompanied by his sled dog Malamutt.
Klondike Kat lives in Fort Frazzle and answers to commanding officer Major Minor (voiced by Kenny Delmar).
Klondike, though well-meaning, is naturally incompetent and usually causes more trouble than Savoir-Faire in trying to stop him ("I'll make mincemeat out of that mouse!"); yet, at the end of each episode, Klondike would "get his mouse" somehow ("Klondike Kat always gets his mouse.").[2]